Failure to Provide Information
With the influx of speed cameras on the road, a prosecution for this type of offence is extremely common. The police must determine who was driving the vehicle if caught on camera. The notice will be sent to the registered keeper of the vehicle and it is an offence not to provide the information required within the proper time limit. If you fail to do so, you face receiving 6 points on your driving licence and a fine up to £1000.
However, there are a number of procedures the police need to follow to properly serve the notice and failure to do so may mean that they cannot prosecute you. In addition, there is a defence if you can demonstrate that you could not possibly say who was driving.
Early advice is therefore vital.
More often than not, if you have not received a notice or, equally, have sent the notice back but the police say they have not received it, you will not be aware that you have been sentenced and received the points until after the event. This would mean that consideration would have to be given to making an application to the court to reopen the case and then put forward your argument.
This is not an easy procedure and you are strongly advised to seek assistance. We can help you with this.
For details of our prices for this area of work see Miscellaneous Driving Offences.