Oct 2017
Large chain criticised
Significant retail chain Poundland has faced scrutiny for hiring unpaid jobseekers under a DWP work experience programme.
The chain has faced scrutiny after it was revealed that they took on jobseekers on an unpaid basis for up to two months under a scheme providing work experience. The Guardian reported that those looking for work were informed by a ‘work coach’ at the job centre that they would need to undertake work experience and one of the companies offering the same was Poundland. It has been reported that one jobseeker worked up to 30 hours in a week unpaid.
In response, Poundland said it was supporting the work experience programme to provide jobseekers with ‘a taste of the world of work’. Poundland was clear that its participation in the scheme was on the basis the work would be voluntary and would not be included in any benefit assessment. Poundland also confirmed that some volunteers had been offered full time employment.
The above brings into question the legitimacy of such schemes and the ways in which jobseekers can be given the best chance of paid employment.
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