Media Hub

Jun 2024

Section: Medical Negligence

New blood test to predict Parkinson’s disease gives early-diagnosis hope

Researchers have developed a simple blood test using artificial intelligence to predict Parkinson’s disease years before the start of symptoms.   They hope this can lead to a low-cost, finger-prick test providing early diagnoses – and help find treatments to slow down the disease.   Charity Parkinson’s UK said it was “a major step forward”…

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Jun 2024

Section: Medical Negligence

North West Ambulance Service response warning after patient death

A coroner has warned that long waits at hospitals in the north west of England are putting lives of patients at risk by holding up ambulance crews.   Coroner Lauren Costello said that the patient had waited 72 minutes for an ambulance, four times longer than the trust’s 18-minute target for that category of emergency…

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Jun 2024

Section: Medical Negligence

NICE approves access to cystic fibrosis drugs in England

A deal has been agreed to provide NHS patients in England with continued access to crucial drugs that treat the life-limiting condition cystic fibrosis.   After a period of negotiation with pharmaceutical company Vertex International, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has now given its approval for the modulator drugs, Symkevi, Orkambi…

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Jun 2024

Section: Medical Negligence

Union warns some GPs struggling to find work

The British Medical Association have warned that some qualified GPs cannot find enough work even at a time of high patent demand for appointments, stating that it has heard from locum doctors in England who are struggling to get shifts at practices.   The BMA have said the situation is “ridiculous”.   Professor Philip Banfield,…

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Jun 2024

Section: Medical Negligence

Long cancer waits becoming routine across the UK

A report by the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) has warned that long waits for cancer care are becoming routine across the UK, with nearly fifty per cent of all specialist cancer centres experiencing delays most weeks.   The report was based on responses from senior managers at 60 specialist cancer centres in England, Scotland,…

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Jun 2024

Section: Medical Negligence

Shropshire trust ‘ignored’ maternity scandal families

A senior midwife has said that Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital Trust (SaTH) has ignored families affected by failures that contributed to the deaths of more than 200 babies and left many more with significant brain damage.   Donna Ockenden led an inquiry into the maternity scandal at the trust two years ago, and said that…

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