Discrimination in the Workplace – Harassment or innocent office banter?

Feb 2018

Discrimination in the Workplace – Harassment or innocent office banter?

When does seemingly innocent office banter become a drawn-out campaign of harassment?

The next in a series of seminar held between Packetts and Chadwick Lawrence will attempt to answer this question and examine the impact of a harassment claim on your business.

Whether it be in Hollywood or Westminster allegations of harassment in the workplace are rife and employers are now under increased scrutiny to take proactive steps to stamp any discrimination at source.

The seminar will be presented by Neil Wilson the Managing Partner at Chadwick Lawrence and the recent recipient of the Managing Partner of the Year Award at the Yorkshire Lawyer Awards 2016.

Hosted at the 1911 suite at Bradford City you will be provided with a free breakfast with views of the grounds, whilst having an opportunity to question the speakers and network with fellow delegates.

To register your interest or receive further information about this event please email Charlotte Ardron at charlotteardron@chadlaw.co.uk