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What's Happening


In last the last days of September the Monday Morning Dispatch not surprisingly returns to a Covid theme. Daniel has prepared a video on the Government Autumn/Winter plan, whilst we have guidance on mandatory vaccinations and the end of SSP rebate scheme.

Furthermore after the successful restart of our webinar program last week we have the details of a number of new exciting events.

What’s Happening – Video/Multimedia

This video focuses on the Government’s Plan A and Plan B for managing COVID-19 during the autumn and winter period. The impact of these potential measures on employers is explored and includes the prospect of changes to working safely guidance and vaccination certification.

To watch the video, please click here

If you have any queries about the matters discussed in these videos, please email for help and advice.

What’s Happening – Autumn/Winter 2021 Webinar Series

 All our events in the programme are listed on our website here.

If you require any further information or want to book your place at any event please contact

Our next event is:

TSG & Chadwick Lawrence: Make cybersecurity your priority

Wednesday 29th September 2021, 11am – 12pm

TSG’s Rob Fletcher will be joining us to discuss the value of Cyber Essentials as a framework and roadmap towards good security practices and will be touching on the importance of user awareness training and best practice in this area. Rob is both CISSP and CISM accredited and has worked in the field of cyber and information security for 20 years.

As a leading managed IT service provider, TSG champions a proactive approach to cybersecurity, and its comprehensive security offering focuses on identifying, visualising and proactively remediating risks before they are exploited.

Chadwick Lawrence will also be presenting on the GDPR consequences of cyber security. This will include the legal obligations applicable to your organisation as well as the criminal and civil law consequences if things go wrong.

Chadwick Lawrence regularly defend GDPR claims brought against companies as well as act for individuals seeking to enforce their GDPR rights and they will discuss the cases they have been involved in which cyber security issues occurred and how best to protect your organisation in this complex area of law.

To book your place on this webinar, please follow the link below. You will then receive the link to the webinar once you have signed up.,q22IvduOIESvC68fWNBLQA,xjTgcmXH8kGn5mEVZTZw-A,ORJanxs9XESM1LwXjpYFaw,p73AClEGXUuWvNK0tBek-w,R36hvaXK602DIK7R0K0lCg?mode=read&tenantId=70f369b2-a94b-4465-8c6d-728adf25908d

In the News


In the News

There have been lots of relevant employment law/HR updates this week.

COVID-19: DHSC Consultation on Mandatory Vaccination for Health and Social Care Workers


The mandatory vaccination requirements for care home workers in CQC-registered adult care homes shall be enforced on 11 November 2021 under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) Coronavirus) Regulations 2021.

On 9 September 2021, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) published a consultation on whether the mandatory COVID-19 vaccination requirements for care homes workers should be extended to other health and care settings and whether to include flu vaccinations in the requirements (not inclusive of those medically exempt).

The proposed requirements would apply to frontline health and care workers with face-to-face contact with patients as part of delivery of CQC-regulated activity. The consultation closes on 22 October 2021.


COVID-19: SSP Rebate Scheme will Close on 30 September 2021


The SSP Rebate Scheme, through which eligible employers with fewer than 250 employees (as at 28 February 2020) could apply to HMRC for reimbursement of statutory sick pay (SSP) paid for sickness absence due to COVID-19, will close with effect from 30 September 2021, after which time the funding of SSP will revert to being met entirely by the employer.

Any absence related to COVID-19 occurring after 30 September 2021 will not be eligible for a rebate.

Employers have until 31 December 2021 to make any claims for eligible SSP costs incurred up to and including 30 September 2021.


Consultation on Proposals for Day-One Right to Request Flexible Working due to be Published


The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) announced it will soon be publishing a consultation on extending the right to request flexible working to all employees, removing the current requirement to first accrue 26 weeks’ service.

This was part of the Conservative’s 2019 manifesto but was delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The proposed removal of the qualifying service period will not change the nature of the right to request flexible working, and so will not provide an automatic right for employees to work flexibly. Employers will retain the discretion on whether to grant flexible working requests.


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