The Media Hub
Lots of updates in the MMD this week.
As well as our new logo, we have updates on the annual Vento Guidelines for discrimination awards. In addition, Daniel has prepared a video as to maternity leave benefits and allowances.
Finally, the guest contribution this week is from Andy Dickinson in our property team, who has prepared an article on the recovery of professional costs.
The Media Hub
Maternity Leave Benefits & Allowances
This video explores benefits and allowances which may need to continue to be provided during the maternity leave period. This includes the tricky area of car allowances, which could be interpreted as being remuneration or a benefit. We also consider holiday accrual and the impact of pay rises on statutory maternity pay.
To watch this week’s video, please Click Here
In the News
There have been lots of relevant employment law/HR updates this week.
Vento Guidelines Annual Update
The Vento guidelines give ranges for injury to feelings awards in discrimination cases depending on the severity. The 2023 annual update has now been published in respect of claims presented on or after 6 April 2023. The updated bands are as follows:
- a lower band of £1,100 to £11,200 (less serious cases);
- a middle band of £11,200 to £33,700 (cases that do not merit an award in the upper band); and,
- an upper band of £33,700 to £56,200 (the most serious cases), with the most exceptional cases capable of exceeding £56,200.
Employee’s “meltdowns” in the workplace did not arise from his disabilities
In this recent case, the employee has various conditions including dyslexia, some symptoms of Asperger’s Syndrome and hearing loss, which were acknowledged to cause him some difficulties with his interactions in the workplace. Medical evidence also confirmed that, in situations of stress or anxiety, he would raise his voice and demonstrate aggressive and inappropriate behaviour. The employee was disciplined for performance issues following two incidents of inappropriate behaviour with another colleague. The employee then brought a grievance and two tribunal claims where he claimed that he had been subjected to unfavourable treatment due to something arising from his disabilities. The tribunal dismissed his claims, and the EAT also dismissed his subsequent appeal on the grounds that the employee’s disabilities played no part in his “meltdowns.”
Mental Health Awareness Sessions
In partnership with Mental Health First Aid, we are providing the opportunity to attend one of the mental health training sessions listed below. The sessions are delivered by accredited MHFA England Instructor Members and will help you gain a better understanding of mental health in a range of areas. Please find the relevant information relating to the sessions attached to this email and let us know if you wish to attend.
Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace_
Adult MHFA Two Day only flyer – instructor
MHFA England Adult Courses
- 28/29th March 2023
- 27/28th June 2023
- 26/27th September 2023
- 28/29th November 2023
Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace Course – For Managers (Non Accredited Course)
- 29th September 2023
Stress and Resilience Course – Cme Accredited
- 29th June 2023
- 30th November 2023
Focus On – CPS
This week, Andy Dickinson has prepared an article on the legal position arising from the case of Fenchurch Advisory Partners LLP v AA Limited, in relation to recovering professional fees. Please find this attached to this week’s dispatch.
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